Welcome to St Columban's

We are an inclusive community for Christians from all corners of the world. People gather together at St. Columban’s Church for a variety of reasons. Some come from an Anglican or Episcopal tradition in their native country, some are looking for an alternative to the traditions they were brought up, some are looking for an English speaking addition to their German church experience, for others, English worship at St. Columban’s is their main worship experience. 

Whatever the reason, we are delighted to have each and every person looking to pray and worship in a diverse and inclusive community.

Our Mission & Vision

open, inclusive and welcoming

We provide an open, inclusive and welcoming environment for anyone of any faith community to experience their personal connection to and relationship with God.

The Episcopal Church is a welcoming community that knows that God loves all people - no exceptions! We celebrate our diversity of languages, cultures and nations. Worshipping together we rejoice in reaching out to the world and becoming one in Christ.


in English 

We meet at the Old-Catholic Auferstehungskirche, Röntgenstraße 3 in Karlsruhe.

Our next service is Saturday, October 12 at 7 pm, followed by time of fellowship.

How We Worship

What is it like attending worship here? 

At the center of our worship is the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass, Lord's Supper). All baptised Christians are welcome to receive the bread and wine made holy at the Lord's Table. It is God's gift for God's people.

English as a second language is more and more common in our global world. Many worshipping with us are not from English speaking countries. Others are English native speakers. Our services are open to anyone. All texts used in the service are printed in our bulletin and can also be found in our Book of Common Prayer.

The Anglican/Episcopal community worldwide

St Columban is part of the woldwide tradition

We are part of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe,
Member of the Council of Anglican and Episcopal Churches in Germany
and belong to the Anglican Communion.

How to get involved

Jesus replied, "Come and see!" - 
Come and see, share with us your story!

Contact our Team

The Reverend Robert Vukovic, Vicar

 Dr. James Hunt, Warden


Join our services

Our next service is Saturday, October 12, at 7 pm at the Old-Catholic Church in Karlsruhe, followed by time of Fellowship.


If you would like to take part in our Bible Study with our sister churches St. Augustine of Canterbury Wiesbaden and Christ the King Frankfurt, please contact us at priest@stcolumban.de.

News and upcoming events on our facebook page

All additional Info you find on our facebook page

Link to Facebook

Financial Support 

As a Church which is not included in the German curch tax system we do not receive any funds or support from the German state.
What exactly does this mean? 
In Germany, the two main German religious communities, the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church (Evangelische Kirche) are supported through what is called a church tax. Each person gets a small amount deducted from their monthly income by their employer based on the church of their membership.  The idea behind this is great. Everyone contributes a little to support the Church, which then “takes care” of churchly things like weddings, baptisms, first communion, confirmation, funerals, etc. The system works very well in Germany and helps to fund your neighborhood church.  

"Free" churches like the Episcopal Church, however, do not benefit in any way from this tax. 
We very much depend on our worship community to provide the financial means needed for pastors, communion wine and bread, worship booklets, brochures, etc. 

St. Columban's ministry in Jesus' name ist solely funded through the giving of members and friends.
To make a donation to our ministry by bank transfer please use our bank account:
St. Augustine of Canterbury, IBAN: DE37 5107 0024 0033 8020 04, reference line/Verwendungszweck: for St. Columban's church.


How to find us

You find us in the city center of Karlsruhe, 

Address: Röntgenstraße 3/Ökumeneplatz (Old-Catholic Church of the Resurrection), 76133 Karlsruhe

Public Transport: 'Mühlburger Tor' and 'Kunstakademie / Hochschule' 

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